It's only been three times I have spent time with them but my eyes were opened and my heart sank along with realizations that I could actually interact with them. I was speechless, awed by the work of their hands, their quick expression of their thoughts and how the sounds that would come out of their mouth speak more clearly of their excitement and enthusiasm to learn. God, You are so amazing!
At the back of my head, I thought to myself how blind most of us are that we may have a keen sense of hearing and yet we missed the important things we should remember, we find it difficult to use those ears to listen, we have grown accustomed to the nuisance in the world that we can no longer distinguish music from noise.
They are quick and smart and in a short span of time of being with them, I have felt so confident that they are just gonna be fine. In fact, many of them would be able to change the world, starting in their own homes, in their own communities.
They know how to listen, truly listen.
They pay respect and thus, they have gained my high respect to each one of them
Their smiles and laughters could ease all the worries of this world.
Thank You Lord for creating such people.
They are wonderful.... amazing.....
Their being makes me stand in awe of You.
Thank you for teaching me how to say 'Good afternoon'
Thank you for teaching me how to respond to your 'Thank you's' with "Welcome"
By: Tessally Villanea
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